Saturday, July 17, 2010

Me meeting the Obama family hiking in Maine

Here is a video of me meeting the President and First family in Maine right next to my house. Of course this was after being frisked and patted down and then wanded. They were all very nice including Sercret Service.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Candle Light Processional Dec 5th, 2009 performing Hallelujah

I just found this on youtube and I am in it as one of the Disney performers in green. I think I am 4 rows up on the left and the second person in. I am the one with what looks like a bald head but really I am just blond.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Knowing the Time to Say Goodbye...

Well last week was not that great of a week for me. After taking care of my first pet Gus-Gus for over 10 years it became evident that he was not doing so well. Gus-Gus was a white looped ear white rabbit that went blind when he was 2 or 3 years old. He was the happiest bunny and used to do these jumps and spins and was just a very happy rabbit. Unfortunately Gus-Gus was the 1st rabbit and saw my 3 other rabbits (Timmy, Scraps and Jaq) die before him and outlasted the other rabbits by about 2 years. I must say though that it was very quick. On Tuesday he was not getting up to get his food or water and at that time I knew what I had to do. the following morning I had to say goodbye and bring him to the vet. The last thing that I could do for him was to let him dye at peace in my arms. The funny thing was that I believe he actually looked me in the eyes and saw me. Soon enough, after the vet gave him the shot he became very relaxed and fell asleep. I miss him but know he crossed the Rainbow Bridge and we will meet again soon. RIP Gus-Gus RIP!