Well as promised I said I would begin telling the story of How it all started for me with my interest in Disney and ending up working for them and where I am with them today.
So back around 1992 I went on my first trip to Disney and fell in love everything Disney. I was 13 at the time and celebrated by birthday down in Florida. This was my first time along with my families first time to Disney. After that I looked forward for our trips to Disney from my home state of Connecticut.
This photo is of me working in merchandise at Star Tours, one of the many locations I have worked!
Upon completing High School I went to a private catholic college in MA, Assumption College and during my first week I thought I was just terribly home sick but it turned out that my appendix had ruptured and I was taken to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. I thought that was going to jeopardize my ability to do the Walt Disney World College Program which I knew would be coming to campus later that year to recruit potential candidates. Well after a time of recovery I went back to college and continued my studies.
January came by and one day my roommate came in saying that the Disney people were downstairs in a common area. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to meet them. after a long discussion and finding out the day and time of the presentation I was hooked!! Within just 2 days I put together a resume, found the location which was going to be at a different college, discussed this with my family and friends and spoke with college profs. and guidance councilors.
The day finally came and I was quick to prepare everything that I was required to bring, dressed to the T and drove to the location of the presentation. After meeting the recruiters and making myself known, I sat and got comfortable for the 1 1/2 presentation followed by the interview with 3 other people. I was a s nervous as could be but was quickly put to ease by the recruiter. The 3 other people I interviewed with did not seem to be interested in the program and were only concerned with other things like that atmosphere of things and not about the program itself. The recruiter asked the 3 others to leave while I sat there with her for another 15 -20 minutes answering questions and was finally told that I would hear back from them within 4-6 weeks.
Well 4 weeks then 6 then 8 then 12 went by and I heard nothing. I was told that no matter what I would hear from them but was confused as I had not heard a peep. Well finally in the 3 week of May my mother called me to let me know that I had received a package in the mail from Disney. I rushed home as school was over and I was working at the time and opened the packet to find out that I had been accepted to be part of the Summer College Program of 1998 as a Walt Disney World Attractions Cast Member in a brand new Theme of park, Disney's Animal Kingdom! I had 2 weeks to accept, prepare and get to Florida. It turned out that no one found out about whether or not they were accepted until 3 weeks prior to them having to be in Florida.
Stay tuned for the continuation of my adventures with Disney!